PC: Kiroong Choe

Jaedong Hwang

PhD Student
: jdhwangmit.edu


I am a PhD student at MIT EECS advised by Ila Fiete. Prior to MIT, I received M.S. in ECE and B.S. in CSE from Seoul National University where I had a wonderful experience with Bohyung Han and Byoung-Tak Zhang. From June 2020 to March 2021, I did an internship at Adobe Research under the guidance of Joon-Young Lee and Seoung Wug Oh.

My research interests align with understanding intrinsic motivation for human learning and how humans can learn from small amounts of data or coarse data (e.g., noisy, weak/no supervision). My goal is to reduce the gap between human and machine intelligence by deeply understanding human intelligence and to build robust machines for these coarse data inspired by neuroscience and cognitive science. Shortly, I am interested in these fields:

  • Computer Vision: weakly-/self-supervised learning, open-set/long-tailed recognition, continual learning, mixture-of-experts
  • Reinforcement Learning: exploration
  • Psychology: curiosity, intuitive concepts (e.g., intuitive physics)
  • Neuroscience: grid cell, modularity, visual pathway

I wrote personal notes about how I applied for graduate school written in Korean (updated in Spring 2024).


  • [07/2024] One paper is accepted to TMLR 2024 with Featured Certification (4% among accepted papers).
  • [05/2024] One paper is accepted to ICML 2024.
  • [04/2024] One paper is accepted to IJCAI 2024 as a long talk (16% among accepted papers).
  • [05/2023] Two papers are accepted to CCN 2023.
  • [04/2023] One paper is accepted to ICML 2023.
  • [10/2022] One paper is accepted to WACV 2023.
  • [04/2022] I am selected as a Highlighted Reviewer (top 9%) in ICLR 2022!
  • [09/2021] I am selected as an Outstanding Reviewer (top 5%) in ICCV 2021!
  • [09/2021] I joined Fiete Lab @ MIT as a PhD Student advised by Ila Fiete.
  • [08/2021] I have been awarded Distinguished Dissertation Award from SNU ECE.
  • [05/2021] I am selected as an Outstanding Reviewer in CVPR 2021!
  • [03/2021] One paper is accepted to CVPR 2021.
  • [11/2020] One paper is accepted to WACV 2021.
  • [09/2020] I am selected as a candidate for Doctoral Study Abroad Program Fellowship (2021-2026).
  • [08/2020] I am selected as a candidate for The Government Scholarship for Overseas Study (2021-2023).
  • [06/2020] I joined Adobe Research @ Remote (due to COVID-19) as a Deep Learning Research Intern mentored by Joon-Young Lee, Seoung Wug Oh.
  • [09/2019] I joined Computer Vision Lab @ Seoul National University as a Master's student advised by Professor Bohyung Han.
  • [10/2018] One paper is accepted to SPIE Medical Imaging (@San Diego, Feb 2019).
  • [09/2018] I joined Computer Vision Lab @ Seoul National University as a Research Intern advised by Professor Bohyung Han.
  • more


Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ph.D. Student in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Advisor: Ila Fiete)
Sep 2021 - Present
Seoul National University
M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Advisor: Bohyung Han)
(Distinguished Dissertation Award)
Sep 2019 - Aug 2021
Seoul National University
B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering (minor: Brain-Mind-Behavior)
(Summa Cum Laude)
Mar 2013 - Aug 2019
(Apr 2015 - Jan 2017: Military Service)


Grid Cell-Inspired Fragmentation and Recall for Efficient Map Building
Jaedong Hwang, Zhang-Wei Hong, Eric Chen, Akhilan Boopathy, Pulkit Agrawal, Ila Fiete.
TMLR. 2024. (Featured Certification; 4% among accepted papers)
  [paper], [project page], [code], [slide], [video]

A Multi-Region Brain Model to Shed Light on the Role of Hippocampus in Spatially Embedded Decision Tasks
Yi Xie, Jaedong Hwang, Carlos Broady, David Tank, Ila Fiete.
CCN. 2024.

Towards Exact Computation of Inductive Bias
Akhilan Boopathy, William Yue, Jaedong Hwang, Abhiram Iyer, Ila Fiete.
IJCAI. 2024. (long; 16% among accepted papers)
 [paper], [code], [poster].

Rapid Learning Without Catastrophic Forgetting in the Morris Water Maze
 Raymond L Wang, Jaedong Hwang, Akhilan Boopathy, Ila Fiete.
CCN. 2023. [paper]
NeurIPS Workshop - Associative Memory & Hopfield Networks. 2023. (oral) [paper]
ICML. 2024. [paper], [code], [poster].

Neuro-Inspired Fragmentation and Recall to Overcome Catastrophic Forgetting in Curiosity
Jaedong Hwang, Zhang-Wei Hong, Eric Chen, Akhilan Boopathy, Pulkit Agrawal, Ila Fiete.
NeurIPS Workshop - Intrinsically Motivated Open-ended Learning. 2023.
  [paper], [code], [poster]

Generalizable Relational Inference with Cognitive Maps in a Hippocampal Model and in Primates
Jaedong Hwang*, Sujaya Neupane*, Mehrdad Jazayeri†, Ila Fiete†.
NeurIPS Workshop - Associative Memory & Hopfield Networks. 2023.
SfN Nanosymposium - Spatial Representations Across Species. 2023. (oral)
  [paper], [poster]

A Grid Cell-Place Cell Scaffold Allows Rapid Learning and Generalization at Multiple Levels on Mental Navigation Tasks
Jaedong Hwang*, Sujaya Neupane*, Mehrdad Jazayeri†, Ila Fiete†.
CCN. 2023.

Model-Agnostic Measure of Generalization Difficulty
Akhilan Boopathy, Kevin Liu, Jaedong Hwang, Shu Ge , Asaad Mohammedsaleh, Ila Fiete.
ICML. 2023.
  [paper], [code], [poster], [slide], [video]

Stop or Forward: Dynamic Layer Skipping for Efficient Action Recognition
Jonghyeon Seon, Jaedong Hwang, Jonghwan Mun, Bohyung Han.
WACV. 2023.
  [paper], [code], [poster], [video]

Exemplar-Based Open-Set Panoptic Segmentation Network
Jaedong Hwang, Seoung Wug Oh, Joon-Young Lee, Bohyung Han.
CVPR. 2021.
 [paper], [project page], [code], [poster], [slide], [video]

Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation by Deep Community Learning
Jaedong Hwang*, Seohyun Kim*, Jeany Son, Bohyung Han.
WACV. 2021.
 [paper], [project page], [video]

Robust harmonic field based tooth segmentation in real-life noisy scanned mesh
Jaedong Hwang*, Sanghyeok Park*, Seokjin Lee*, Yeong-Gil Shin.
SPIE 10949, Medical Imaging 2019: Image Processing. 2019.
 [paper], [poster]

Learning from Noisy Demonstration Sets via Meta-Learned Suitability Assessor
Te-Lin Wu, Jaedong Hwang, Jingyun Yang, Shaofan Lai, Carl Vondrick, Joseph Lim.
OpenReview. 2018.
 [paper], [project page], [video]

An adaptive computational discourse system based on data-driven learning algorithm
Seungwon Lee*, Jaedong Hwang*, Eunsol Kim, Byoung-Tak Zhang.
International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS) (Vol. 201). 2015.
Best Session Paper Awards

(*: equally contributed)

Professional Experience

Adobe Research, Adobe Inc., CA (remote)
Deep Learning Research Intern, Mentor: Joon-Young Lee, Seoung Wug Oh
Jun 2020 - Mar 2021
Computer Vision Lab, Seoul National University, Korea
Research Intern, Advisor: Bohyung Han
Sep 2018 - Aug 2019
T-Brain, SKT, Korea
Research Intern
Jun 2018 - Aug 2018
CLVR Lab, University of Southern California, CA
Visiting Student, Advisor: Joseph Lim
Mar 2018 - May 2018
Cybercrime Investigation Unit, Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, Korea
Investigator (Auxiliary Police) - as secondment of military service
Korean Media: KBS, SBS, YTN
Aug 2015 - Jan 2017
BioIntelligence Lab, Seoul National University, Korea
Research Intern, Advisor: Byoung-Tak Zhang
Jul 2014 - Apr 2015

Awards & Honors

  • Highlighted Reviewer in ICLR
  • Outstanding Reviewer in ICCV
  • Distinguished Dissertation Award in ECE, SNU
  • Outstanding Reviewer in CVPR
  • Best Paper of Brain-Mind-Behavior department, SNU
  • Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency Award Certificate
  • ISIS 2015 Best Session Paper Award
  • Jongha Fellowship


Doctoral Study Abroad Program Fellowship
A full scholarship with stipends granted by Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies (KFAS).
Sep 2021 - Aug 2026
Government Scholarship for Overseas Study
A scholarship granted by The Government of South Korea of $40,000 for each academic year.
Sep 2021 - Aug 2023
Seoam Scholarship (Merit-based)
A full scholarship with stipends granted by Seoam Yoon Se Young Foundation for undergraduate studies.
Sep 2013 - Aug 2019


- Conference
  2020: ECCV
  2021: CVPR, ICCV, WACV
  2024: ICML
- Journal
  IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)
- ICLR 2020
- GAAP (The Graduate Application Assistance Program) in MIT EECS 2021-2023
Teaching Assistant
- Spring 2024: 6.8200 Computational Sensorimotor Learning (Instructor: Pulkit Agrawal)
- Spring 2020: 035.001 Digital Computer Concept and Practice (Instructor: Bohyung Han)

Other Experience

Seoul National University Philharmonic Orchestra
Server Administrator
Aug 2016 - Aug 2021
Chief of department of Data Management
Oct 2014 - Mar 2015
2nd Violinist
Mar 2013 - Aug 2019
National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
Mar 2017 - Oct 2017
Guahm Middle School, Seoul, Korea
Sep 2013 - Feb 2015